Dr Stuart Prosser is a husband, father and doctor with extensive experience in general practice, anaesthetics, GP obstetrics and medical administration.

He consistently advocates for a multi-disciplinary approach to health care, one that increases the quality of both the patient experiences and outcomes.

His unique experience and passions led to the founding of Western Obstetrics, a multi-disciplinary clinic with the key goals of:

  • Providing premium maternity care without the premium price
  • Being a world leader in the provision of fourth-trimester care

Dr Stuart Prosser is a husband, father and doctor with extensive experience in general practice, anaesthetics, GP obstetrics and medical administration.

He consistently advocates for a multi-disciplinary approach to health care, one that increases the quality of both the patient experiences and outcomes.

His unique experience and passions led to the founding of Western Obstetrics, a multi-disciplinary clinic with the key goals of:

  • Providing premium maternity care without the premium price
  • Being a world leader in the provision of fourth-trimester care

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Latest Thoughts

Do you know your obstetrician’s birth philosophy?

I think it’s time for maternity providers to consider what their birth philosophy is and encourage their patients to meet with them prior to committing to the relationship.

The three pillars on which I have built my career

It was a huge honour to be invited to speak at the graduation ceremony for the UWA MBBS class of 2019. Here is a transcript of that speech.

What obstetricians really think about birth plans

In my early days of obstetrics, I confess I would cringe a little when a patient handed me their birth plan.

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