Understanding sleep

The first thing that’s important to know is sleep is not under our conscious control. We cannot tell ourselves, ‘It’s time to sleep now.’

The worst question to ask a new parent

Every time we ask a parent if their new baby is ‘sleeping well’, we are creating an expectation that is making life harder for parents than it needs to be.

Changing how we support parents through stillbirth

We want bereaved parents and families to be given time to spend with their child and create the memories that will sustain them through their grief

Mission Possible: Reducing the rate of stillbirth in Australia

This traumatic experience affects 2000 expectant parents in Australia annually and the rate has barely changed in the last two decades

The importance of breaking down silos in pregnancy care

Increased specialisation in medicine has led to fragmentation of care and unmet patient needs

The benefits of a family-based approach to pregnancy, birth and beyond

It’s time to evolve our antenatal and postnatal care to be more inclusive

From Melbourne Business School to startup reality

There’s a big difference between subjecting an idea to the rigours of business school and subjecting it to the rigours of the real world.

When motherhood doesn’t meet expectations

Studies have shown that it doesn’t matter if things are going ‘well’. It only matters if things are going better than expected.

A new way of delivering care in the fourth trimester

By adopting a proactive approach to the fourth trimester, we can significantly improve the outcome for our patients.

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